Archibald 2023
I present to you LISA BLAIR; the first person to sail solo unassisted in record speed among icebergs and in 40 knots of wind around Antartica to raise awareness about climate change. CLICK to see the video
The Other Art Fair Sydney
Exciting times. I will be at the Other Art Fair Sydney, The undercut, Barangaroo with lots of art for you to buy and look at. Come and see me at stand 67.
Still deciding the layout

The Other Art Fair Melbourne
Come and visit my stand at The Other Art Fair in Melbourne

Finalist Fisher’s Ghost Award 2021
Forward of the Beam 90 x 120 cm was a finalist in the Fisher’s Ghost Award 2021

Finalist Maritime Art Prize 2021
Downwind Gybe 100 x 100 cm was a finalist in the Maritime Art Prize 2021
Donation 2021
Donation to Mary’s House. All the proceeds from the Greenwich Village Art Trail 2020 were donated to Mary’s House, a local shelter for women.
Family domestic and sexual violence is a major health and welfare issue. It affect people of all age and from all backgrounds but mainly women and children. It is estimated that 2.2 million Australians have experienced physical or sexual violence from a current or previous partner ince the age of 15.
Mary’s House provides a quality refuge for women and their children escaping domestic violence. They provide accomodation and professional services that enables their residents to be safe, hopeful and empowered to make the first step to rebuilt their lives. Mary’s House is 100% community funded and relies on the support they receive form the local community and corporate partners. If you want to help you can donate via Mary’s House webpage Maryhouse.ort.au/donate-now/